Friday, December 3, 2010

The Man with the Cardboard Sign

There’s a man at the corner with a cardboard sign.
He looks hot and weary.
The cars just pass him by.
People wonder why he’s there, how he got to that point in his life.
People assume it’s his own fault.
He must have done something wrong. He must have screwed up.
People wonder if he really needs the money, or whether he’ll just waste it on alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes.

But when we see someone in need, should we really be thinking these things?
Do we even have a right to question where our money is going?
Isn’t it enough to just see a need and give?
When did we become so hesitant to give or help, and so quick to stereotype?
Why do we assume he will misuse the money?
If Jesus were giving to a stranger, would He question if he or she really needed the money, or would He smile and give regardless?

Maybe he did use the money for drugs. Maybe he did blow it all on alcohol.
But maybe he didn’t.
Maybe he felt happy, even for a moment, feeling that someone out there genuinely cared about him and his problems.
Maybe you made his day.
Maybe you made his year.
Maybe he was going to use the money for cigarettes, but after seeing the generosity and compassion of so many people he realized there was more to life. He realized he needed to make some changes.
Or maybe he really did need the money to survive - to clothe his kids, or buy his next meal, and you could help him make it through the day by giving him the spare change from your cupholder. With the change you would normally spend on your morning coffee, you could make a difference in someone’s life.

But how do you tell which type of guy this one is? How do you tell if he really needs the money or not, or what he’ll do with it afterward? The fact is you can’t. So do you take a chance and give? Or do you just keep on driving, avoiding eye contact and pretending you didn’t see him?

If you’re so worried about where your money is going, have you ever thought to pray when giving it away? To ask God to use the money to bless that man and bring glory to Himself. To trust God to do the rest once we’ve given a stranger some change. Or do you only think of yourself - justifying not giving with all of the “what ifs.”

But what if you’re wrong? What if you missed out on an incredible opportunity to touch someone’s life and share God’s love? Or what if that man actually starved to death because someone looked at him and judged him and kept on driving?

What if instead of giving money, you took him out for lunch? Or just stopped and listened to his story. Had a conversation with him. Showed that you care. What if you were able to just roll down your window and hand him a twenty with a big smile on your face and say “God bless you” without even hesitating, just naturally seeing a need and trying to meet it.

What if everyone gave unconditionally?

What if you had to stand in his shoes, holding up his cardboard sign, and hearing the verbal abuse from those who just don’t understand?
Or what if it was Jesus holding up that cardboard sign? Would you give then, if you knew it was Him? Or would you still drive by and avoid eye contact?

God said that by giving to the least of these, you are giving to Him (Matthew 25:40). However, He also said that by not giving to the least of these, you are choosing not to give to Him (Matthew 25:45).

How can you choose not to give to God after all He’s given you?

So what makes us keep on driving by?

“He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.” Proverbs 14:31

“If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:17

1 comment:

  1. you are really inspiring writer.. In my country Sri Lanka i faced lot of people who struggling to spend their lives..
    when im going to my class, people get in to my bus asking money i also think ''how they spent money'' if i gave to them.. but now i think i'm wrong..
    i think may be God want us to help for them! that may be his plan..
